Design pattern Behavioral Design Patterns Moving Beyond REST with GraphQL Quick Introduction to Reactive Programming Start using Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring AOP Structural Design Patterns Creational Design Patterns Java Build a Docker JRE Image with Java 17 and Spring Getting Started with Spring Boot and Java 9 Modules Spring Boot Microservices Cookbook How to Publish a Java Library to Maven Central Java Code Manipulation with Byte Buddy Test-driven Development by Example Getting Started with Java Agent Understanding the Java Class Loader Starting from Java 9 Introduction to Java Collections Java Memory Model Overview Java Socket IO and NIO Integer Caching in Java Quick Introduction to ThreadLocal Iteration vs. Recursion in Java Java Variables Initialization Java Optional Values Functional Interfaces Fundamentals Recipes to @Override “equals” and “hashCode” methods Devops Making your Smart Contract UI Decentralized Getting Started with GraalVM and Java Native Automated Dependency Updates with Dependabot Improve Code Quality with SpotBugs Git Guide Speed Up Your Microservices Development with Telepresence Hands-On CI/CD for Microservices with Jenkins X Serverless “Hello World” with Fn Framework Serverless Serverless “Hello World” with Fn Framework Java framework Getting Started with Spring Boot and Java 9 Modules Spring Boot Microservices Cookbook Introduction to Akka Actors with Java Quartz. De-facto Choice for Job Scheduling in Java Contexts and Dependency Injection in Java EE Introduction to Message-Driven Beans JPA. Introduction to Java Persistence API EJB. What it is, Why it Exists and How it Works Cucumber, a BDD Framework for Java and Spring LDAP and JNDI JNDI Overview Understanding Messaging Pattern with JMS Working with JDBC API Get Started with Mockito Get Started with Java Servlets Centralized Configuration With Spring Cloud Config Server Moving Beyond REST with GraphQL Verify Producer-Consumer Communication between Microservices with Spring Cloud Contract Micronaut, a New Contender for the Microservices Era Spring Bean Lifecycle Fundamentals Reduce Startup Time with Spring Boot 2.2 Quick Introduction to Reactive Programming Getting Started with DynamoDB and Spring Data Migration with Spring Batch Start using Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring AOP Take Unit Testing to the Next Level with JUnit 5 Storing Passwords Securely with Bcrypt and Java JWTs with Spring Boot Spring Getting Started with Spring Boot and Java 9 Modules Spring Boot Microservices Cookbook Test-driven Development by Example Quartz. De-facto Choice for Job Scheduling in Java Cucumber, a BDD Framework for Java and Spring Centralized Configuration With Spring Cloud Config Server Verify Producer-Consumer Communication between Microservices with Spring Cloud Contract Spring Bean Lifecycle Fundamentals Reduce Startup Time with Spring Boot 2.2 Quick Introduction to Reactive Programming Getting Started with DynamoDB and Spring Data Migration with Spring Batch Start using Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring AOP Storing Passwords Securely with Bcrypt and Java JWTs with Spring Boot Security Storing Passwords Securely with Bcrypt and Java JWTs with Spring Boot Algorithm The Big O Notation Sorting Algorithms Search Algorithms Iteration vs. Recursion in Java Ci/cd Hands-On CI/CD for Microservices with Jenkins X Testing Hardhat. A Smart Contract Development Framework Test-driven Development by Example Cucumber, a BDD Framework for Java and Spring BDD Fundamentals Get Started with Mockito Verify Producer-Consumer Communication between Microservices with Spring Cloud Contract First Steps in JMeter Debugging Guidelines in Java Speed Up Your Microservices Development with Telepresence Take Unit Testing to the Next Level with JUnit 5 Database Transactional vs Analytical Databases JPA. Introduction to Java Persistence API Working with JDBC API Getting Started with DynamoDB and Spring MySQL Guide Data Migration with Spring Batch Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Tools for Microservices Architecture Debugging Guidelines in Java Performance First Steps in JMeter Sql MySQL Guide Nosql Getting Started with DynamoDB and Spring Version control Automated Dependency Updates with Dependabot Git Guide Git Git Guide Analysis Improve Code Quality with SpotBugs Data query Moving Beyond REST with GraphQL Messaging Introduction to Message-Driven Beans Understanding Messaging Pattern with JMS Data store LDAP and JNDI Scheduler Quartz. De-facto Choice for Job Scheduling in Java Software development methodology Agile Development Best Practices Agile Agile Development Best Practices Databases Getting Started with Liquibase and Spring Boot Maven How to Publish a Java Library to Maven Central Docker Build a Docker JRE Image with Java 17 and Spring Solidity How to Upgrade Smart Contracts with Hardhat How to Release New Versions of Smart Contracts Solidity fallback and receive functions Interact with a Solidity Smart Contract via Encoded Data How to Create and Mint an NFT with Hardhat Mint your First ERC-20 Token with Hardhat and OpenZeppelin Smart Contracts. Advanced Development Getting Started with Solidity Events Hardhat. A Smart Contract Development Framework Deploy Your First Smart Contract With Ethers.js Getting Started with Solidity Blockchain How to Create and Mint an NFT with Hardhat Mint your First ERC-20 Token with Hardhat and OpenZeppelin Interact with Smart Contracts from the UI Smart Contracts. Advanced Development Getting Started with Solidity Events Hardhat. A Smart Contract Development Framework Deploy Your First Smart Contract With Ethers.js Getting Started with Solidity Javascript Interact with Smart Contracts from the UI Smart Contracts. Advanced Development Getting Started with Solidity Events Hardhat. A Smart Contract Development Framework Deploy Your First Smart Contract With Ethers.js Ethereum How to Create and Mint an NFT with Hardhat Mint your First ERC-20 Token with Hardhat and OpenZeppelin Smart Contracts. Advanced Development Getting Started with Solidity Events Hardhat. A Smart Contract Development Framework Deploy Your First Smart Contract With Ethers.js Hardhat Interact with Smart Contracts from the UI Smart Contracts. Advanced Development Getting Started with Solidity Events Hardhat. A Smart Contract Development Framework Events Getting Started with Solidity Events Debugging Smart Contracts. Advanced Development Reactjs Interact with Smart Contracts from the UI Smart contract How to Create and Mint an NFT with Hardhat Mint your First ERC-20 Token with Hardhat and OpenZeppelin Making your Smart Contract UI Decentralized Hardhat How to Upgrade Smart Contracts with Hardhat How to Create and Mint an NFT with Hardhat Mint your First ERC-20 Token with Hardhat and OpenZeppelin Openzeppelin How to Create and Mint an NFT with Hardhat Mint your First ERC-20 Token with Hardhat and OpenZeppelin Token How to Create and Mint an NFT with Hardhat Mint your First ERC-20 Token with Hardhat and OpenZeppelin