Take Unit Testing to the Next Level with JUnit 5

24 Sep 2018  Sergio Martin Rubio  12 mins read.

JUnit is the most popular testing framework in Java, and with JUnit 5 testing in Java 8 and beyond takes another step forward. This version was release in September 2017 and has been actively updated to fix bugs and add new features. Moreover, JUnit 5 is also compatible with version 3 and 4 by adding junit-vintage-engine to your classpath path.

Migrating from JUnit 4

When migrating from JUnit 4 there are a few considerations to bear in mind:

  • To have JUnit 5 annotations you need to add to your pom file:
  • Replace @BeforeClass, @Before, @AfterClass and @After annotations with @BeforeAll, @BeforeEach, @AfterAll and @AfterEach alternatively.
static void initAll() {
    LOGGER.info("@BeforeAll runs once before all tests");

void init() {
    LOGGER.info("@BeforeEach runs before each test");

static void tearDownAll() {
    LOGGER.info("@AfterAll runs once after all tests");

void tearDown() {
    LOGGER.info("@AfterEach runs after each test");
  • Replace @Ignore with @Disabled. JUnit 5 also provides a more powerful filter in order to ignore or disable tests by JavaScript expressions, OS, Java version or system properties
@Disabled("Disabled test (it used to be @Ignore in jUnit4)")
void skippedTest() {
    // not executed

@EnabledIf(value = "true", reason = "test runs because is true")
void isExecuted() {

@DisabledIf("Math.random() < 0.5")
void sometimesIsExecuted() {
    System.out.println("Running " + counter++);
  • @Category need to be replaced with @Tag.
class TagsTests {

    void tagExample() {

  • @RunWith does not exist anymore, use @ExtendWith instead.
  • @Rule and @ClassRule were also removed, use @ExtendWith instead.

New JUnit 5 Features


@DisplayName allows you to override a test class or method with a custom message, special characters or even Emojis (😄).

@DisplayName("Display name test suite")
class DisplayNamesTests {
    @DisplayName("My Custom Test Name")
    void displayNameTest() {
    @DisplayName("\uD83D\uDE03") // Happy Emoji
    void displayEmojiTest() {


Assertions include four new improvements:

  1. Compatibility with lambda expression.
        Stream.of(1, 4, 5).mapToInt(Integer::intValue).sum(),
        "Sum should be 10");
  1. Group assertions.
  • assertAll()
List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Sergio", "Juan", "Adolfo");
        () -> assertEquals("Sergio", names.get(0)),
        () -> assertEquals("Juan", names.get(1)),
        () -> assertEquals("Adolfo", names.get(2)));
  1. More control over exceptions. Now you can even inspect the returning exception to verify message, cause, stacktrace…
  • assertThrows()
Throwable runtimeException = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> {
    throw new RuntimeException("exception");
assertEquals("exception", runtimeException.getMessage());
  1. Timeout assertions:
  • assertTimeout()
void timeoutNotExceeded() {
    assertTimeout(Duration.ofMinutes(2), () -> System.out.println("Hello"));
void timeoutNotExceededWithResult() {
    String result  = assertTimeout(Duration.ofMinutes(2), () -> "hello");
    assertEquals("hello", result);
@Disabled("Assertion fails with exceeded timeout of 2ms by 8ms")
void timeoutExceeded() {
    assertTimeout(Duration.ofMillis(2), () -> {


  • assumeTrue()
  • assumeFalse()
  • assumingThat()

Assumptions are preconditions that need to be satisfied to run subsequent assertions. If the assumption fails TestAbortedException is thrown and the complete test is skipped.

void trueAssumption() {
void falseAssumption() {
void assumptionThat() {
    String word = "word";
            () -> assertEquals(3, 2 + 1)


@Nested gives your more freedom to create groups of related test in the same test suite.

class NestedTests {
    private List<String> strings;
    class listIsInstantiated {
        void init() {
            strings = new ArrayList<>();
        void listIsEmpty() {
        class afterAddingString {
            void init() {
            void listIsNotEmpty() {

Note: @BeforeAll and @AfterAll are only allow if the test class is annotated with @TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS).” %}

Dependency Injection

JUnit 5 allows to add parameters in constructors and test methods. Therefore, now constructors and methods annotated with @Test, @TestFactory, @BeforeEach, @AfterEach, @BeforeAll, @AfterAll accept parameters.

There are three kind of allowed parameters:

  • TestInfo: allows you to get information related to a test suite or test method such as display name, tags, test class…
DependencyInjectionTests(TestInfo testInfo) {
    assertEquals("Dependency Injection Test Suite", testInfo.getDisplayName());
class testInfoExamples {
    void init(TestInfo testInfo) {
        String displayName = testInfo.getDisplayName();
        assertTrue(displayName.equals("Test Example") || displayName.equals("myTest()"));
    @DisplayName("Test Example")
    void test(TestInfo testInfo) {
    void myTest() {
  • TestReporter: is used to print test information to stout or stderr.
void testReporterString(TestReporter testReporter) {
    // Use test reporter to print information to stout or stderr
    testReporter.publishEntry("my message");
void testReporterKeyValue(TestReporter testReporter) {
    testReporter.publishEntry("myKey", "myValue");
void testReporterMap(TestReporter testReporter) {
    Map<String, String> myMap = new HashMap<>();
    myMap.put("myKey", "myValue");
  • RepetitionInfo: can be used only on test annotated with @RepeatedTest and provides information regarding current repetition number or total of repetitions.
private static int repetition = 1;
void repetitionTest(RepetitionInfo repetitionInfo) {
    assertEquals(repetition++, repetitionInfo.getCurrentRepetition());
    assertEquals(10, repetitionInfo.getTotalRepetitions());

Interfaces and Default methods

Interfaces create contracts to implement in your test suites. Methods declared as default in an interface will always run in a test suite.

interface Interfaces {
    default void initAll() {
        System.out.println("@BeforeAll runs once before all tests");
    default void init() {
        System.out.println("@BeforeEach runs before each test");
    default void tearDownAll() {
        System.out.println("@AfterAll runs once after all tests");
    default void tearDown() {
        System.out.println("@AfterEach runs after each test");
class ClassImplementingInterfaceTests implements Interfaces {
    void myTest() {

Note: @TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS) is required to make @BeforeAll and @AfterAll work.


@RepeatedTest allows you to repeat a test as many times as you want by passing the number of desire repetitions to the annotation.

@RepeatedTest(value = 10, name = "{displayName} {currentRepetition}/{totalRepetitions}")
void repetitionTest() {


When using @ParameterizedTest annotation in combination with

  • @ValueSource
  • @EnumSource
  • @MethodSource
  • @CsvSource
  • @CsvFileSource
  • @ArgumentsSource

you can run a test multiple times with different inputs each time.

class ParameterizedTests {
    enum MyEnum {RED, GREEN, BLACK}
    @ValueSource(ints = {2, 4, 8})
    void integerParameters(int value) {
        assertEquals(0, value % 2);
    @EnumSource(value = MyEnum.class, names = {"RED", "GREEN"})
    void integerParameters(MyEnum myEnum) {
        assertTrue(EnumSet.of(MyEnum.RED, MyEnum.GREEN).contains(myEnum));
    void methodSourceProvider(String string) {
        assertTrue(Arrays.asList("hello", "world").contains(string));
    static List<String> myStrings() {
        return Arrays.asList("hello", "world");

Note: For @MethodSource, if method has same name as test, parameter name is not required. To use this feature, junit-jupiter-params needs to be added to the classpath.


As you can see, JUnit 5 is a huge improvement over previous versions and introduces many new testing features. It also allows you to write more expressive units test when using in combination with lambda expressions from Java 8.

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