Quartz. De-facto Choice for Job Scheduling in Java

18 Oct 2020  Sergio Martin Rubio  6 mins read.

Schedulers are sometimes required for recurring tasks like reminding customers that they have to pay before a deadline, and Quartz is one of the best options out there when looking for a scheduling library for a Java enterprise application.

Why Quartz? There are other good alternatives like db-scheduler that provides a simpler API however Quartz is a more mature library with a larger community.


Quartz Components


The Scheduler interface is the main class of Quartz scheduler and its role is to take care of the lifecycle of the jobs. It allows you to schedule a new job, check if a job exists, retrieve the details of an existing job, delete a job…


The Job interface is implemented by the classes that contain the business logic that we schedule with the Scheduler.


The JobDetails is created through the JobBuilder and it holds all the data related to the job.


The Trigger is created through the TriggerBuilder and it defines the job execution details like the starting time.

Getting Started

We are going to build a simple web application that will use Quartz in combination with Spring Boot.


First of all we need to include in our pom.xml the Spring Boot starter dependency that provides the integration with Quartz and the JDBC Spring Boot starter dependency.


now we can decide how we will store the schedule jobs. We can use an in-memory store or a JDBC-based store. If you are planning to run your application in production we recommend you use the JDBC option.

### Quartz configuration
    job-store-type: jdbc
      initialize-schema: never

When using a jdbc store type you will also need to specify the schema initialization strategy: embedded (only initialize embedded datasource - default value), always (always initialize datasource), never (do not initialize datasource))

If you don’t initialize the schema you might use something like liquibase and provide the Quartz Liquibase changelog that contains all the required tables.

You can convert a Liquibase XML file to .yaml with Liquify

Furthermore, if you are planning to run multiple instances of your scheduler application you should enable the clustering feature.

### Quartz configuration
            isClustered: true
            instanceId: AUTO # instance ID is generated for you


You can create a Job implementation as follows.

public class MyJob implements Job {
    private static final String JOB_NAME_KEY = "jobName";
    private static final int MAX_RETRIES = 3;

    public void execute(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) throws JobExecutionException {
        JobDataMap jobDataMap = jobExecutionContext.getMergedJobDataMap();
        int refireCount = jobExecutionContext.getRefireCount();
        MyJobData jobData = new MyJobData(jobDataMap.getString(JOB_NAME_KEY));

        try {
            if (refireCount > MAX_RETRIES) {
                throw new JobExecutionException(format("Job execution retries exceeded for job name %s",

            log.info("Job execution for name: {}", jobData.getJobName());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            JobExecutionException jobExecutionException = new JobExecutionException(e);

            // fire it again
            jobExecutionException.setRefireImmediately(refireCount <= MAX_RETRIES);
            throw jobExecutionException;


In the JobExecutionContext we can find the data store during the job creation and other information about the job execution like the number of retries, so you can control how many times a job will execute in case of failure.

You can schedule or delete a Job with the Scheduler interface.

private static final String MY_JOB_GROUP = "my-quartz-job";
private static final String JOB_NAME_KEY = "jobName";

private final Scheduler scheduler;

public void scheduleJob(String jobName, SchedulerParams schedulerParams) throws SchedulerException {
    JobKey jobKey = JobKey.jobKey(jobName, MY_JOB_GROUP);
    MyJobData myJobData = new MyJobData(jobName);

    if (scheduler.checkExists(jobKey)) {
        throw new JobAlreadyExistsException(jobName);

    log.info("Updating job for name {} and time {}", jobName, schedulerParams.getJobDateTime());
    JobDataMap jobDataMap = getJobDataMap(myJobData);
    JobDetail jobDetail = getJobDetail(jobKey, jobDataMap);
    Trigger trigger = getTrigger(schedulerParams.getJobDateTime());

    scheduler.scheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger);

When you schedule a job you will usually provide a Trigger and JobDetails.

private Trigger getTrigger(ZonedDateTime jobDateTime) {
    return TriggerBuilder.newTrigger()
            .withIdentity(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), MY_JOB_GROUP)

In the trigger you will set things like start time or job groups.

private JobDetail getJobDetail(JobKey jobKey, JobDataMap jobDataMap) {
    return JobBuilder.newJob(MyJob.class)

private JobDataMap getJobDataMap(MyJobData jobData) {
    JobDataMap jobDataMap = new JobDataMap();
    jobDataMap.put(JOB_NAME_KEY, jobData.getJobName());
    return jobDataMap;

On the other hand JobDetail is used to set the class that implements the Job interface and pass some information via JobDataMap, that can be consumed by the job later on. We use a JobKey to uniquely identify a JobDetail.
